Dragon's Vows: A Narrative Fiction

Words: 653
Pages: 3

“MOM!” screamed Willow. “MOTHER!”
“Yes?” her mom yelled back.
Willow cried, “My ankle hurts. I think I hurt it in P.E.!”
“Okay,” her mother replied back.
“So, we need to go to the doctor’s, obviously.” “Don’t use that tone with me, young lady.” “I’m not using a tone,” Willow said with a tone. “Stop it, NOW!” replied her mom in a cold voice. “Okay, but I still need to go to the doctor’s!” “Okay, just a second. I need to call your school so they know where you are.” Willow’s mom, Roberta, called Willow’s school to let them know why she would be absent from school and then they headed to the hospital. When they arrived, Willow could smell the clorox-sanitizer odor everywhere, as she always did in any doctor’s office. Willow was then sent
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She is still in her x-rays,” said Roberta frantically.
“Bakersfield is just down the street,” said Dr. Pedlar trying to reassure her. “I’ll walk her over when she’s done.”
“Okay,” uttered Roberta trying to calm down.
“Are you sure, doctor? Like 100% sure?” she questioned.
“I’m sure,” said the doctor.
“It’s really cancer,” she stammered starting to cry.
“I’m sorry, ma’am, but it
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“Here’s the change,” said Willow.
“Can we leave now, Mom?”
“Yeah, sure. Let’s go.”
As they were walking down the stairs, Roberta asked, “So, what else did they say about your ankle?”
“Just a minor twist. It should be good in a few weeks or so,” Willow replied.
Right then Jimmy walked in the hospital door darting his eyes everywhere looking for Roberta. “Hey, Dad! What are you doing here?” questioned Willow.
Roberta gave him the death-stare and was slightly shaking her head. It was as if they were talking by just giving each other a look. The message was as clear as a glass slipper, DON’T TELL WILLOW!
“Uhhh….I’m on my lunch break so I thought we could have lunch together,” Jimmy said frantically.
“Ok. Cool. Oh, oh, can we go to Taco Bell?” asked Willow.
“Sure, that’s fine,” replied Jimmy, as they headed to the car. ~
“So, Willow,” her dad started. “I saw the ankle brace on. Is it bad?”
“No, not really. Just a minor sprain. Oh, Dad, can I get the iPhone 7?” Willow asked excitedly. “Please, please, please??
Willow was shaking her dad like a rag doll.
“Willow, Willow! We are going to get in a car crash if you don’t stop shaking