Drunk Driving Research Paper

Words: 1013
Pages: 5

What would your solution be if you had the chance to stop drunk driving? Drunk driving was around way before cars were even created. The issue with drunk driving is that it causes police to be concerned with the risks that are taken when you put yourself and others in harm’s way; however, this could be prevented by enhancing sobriety check points and making a new transportation facility. It is important to get drunk drivers off of the road to decrease deaths. When any human being decides to combine alcohol and an automobile vehicle, accidents are inevitable.
Since 2011, every fifty-one minutes one person is killed in a drunk driving crash. With people being unaware of how intoxicated they are, everything can go wrong. Alcohol impairs judgement
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Whether people are informed on this problem or not, they do not think something bad could happen to them, until it does. It only takes a little common sense to stop this issue before it is too late. Before you jump in a car and get behind the wheel, think about what you are about to do and think about the lives that you could possibly end within an intersection.
When a person intakes any type of alcohol they lose the ability to think and process the right decision making skills. “Alcohol directly affects brain chemistry by altering levels of neurotransmitters...”. People cannot remember what they did after having a night out of a couple drinks because of everything alcohol does to the body and brain. Part of the problem is people sometimes do not feel as though they are intoxicated, so they think it is okay to get behind the wheel. If they are unaware and unable to think clearly then of course it would be a smart idea to drive home. If they knew any better than they wouldn’t have done it in the first place. Often people are dealing with at home issues or work-related and need something to take their
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Every two minutes, a person is injured in a drunk driving crash. Too many lives are taken on a daily basis, yet the people of this country continue to make the same mistake. We can all put a stop to this, or at least a decrease. If one is ever in a drunk driving incident they could lose their license. And if things were to ever get very serious they could be potentially facing some jail time depending on injuries. But these consequences aren’t enough to scare and scar the minds of others. These are short-term risks, but there are long-term effects as well especially on the human body. Drinking can cause liver damage, high blood pressure and much more. I am not telling people to quit drinking, but it is a strong suggestion when it comes to driving. With other suggestion this problem could be reduced or even