Duckweed Lab Report

Words: 206
Pages: 1

To conduct this experiment, we collected data from two different duckweed culture, one was with ibuprofen add and other was the control, with no change. The duckweed was obtained from Snake Lake. The ibuprofen was obtained from the lab. In order to see if the ibuprofen would have any affect, the number of duckweed was compared.
Six jars were obtained in total, three for the experiment and three for the control. 70 mL of pond water was added to each jar. This water is used to provide the nutrients duckweed would need help them grow. Three jars were concentrated with ibuprofen, about 0.034 g was added to each jar and was well mixed. All of the jars contained a starting of 25 duckweeds, this was obtained using an inoculating loop to