Dwight D. Eisenhower's Success And Failure In Office

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Pages: 2

Dwight D Eisenhower's Grade
Throughout time presidents have been evaluated based on their success and failures in office. The way presidents are evaluated are through their approval numbers. Based on these numbers Presidents can tell if they are doing good or bad from a citizen's perspective. From these rating critics pull out what is important in there perspective and grade the presidents. Through his accomplishments and failures one can conclude that president Dwight receives a B minus.
Dwight Eisenhower receives this grade because he was a good leader but messed up at many things. Many people was fond of him because he would go out and speak with the people at places and go to baseball games with his family. So he appeared to critics and citizens as a caring president.
Listening to the people, Dwight Eisenhower helped pass may things with congress. He helped pass the Bill of Rights and the Federal Aid Highway act while in office. Which was considered a
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He persuaded that ending the Korean War through peace was the best option. When people agreed he successfully he ended the war through peaceful negotiations. Though having good relationships with some countries he had some bad relations with others including the Soviet Union. As tensions were rising between the two countries he was unable to stop it with negotiations. Even a military general do not understand some things in politics.
Throughout time the United States presidents have been evaluated on their ability to run government. Presidents are critiqued based on their approval numbers. Dwights approval numbers were skyrocket during his time. Dwight Eisenhower was a very functioning President. He helped pass Amendments with congress. Stop wars before they escalated to a certain point where there was no return. Without Dwight D Eisenhower important things might have gotten through to the government and the people would have not have a powerful voice as