Dylan Brandon Miss. Essay

Submitted By Dylan2249
Words: 342
Pages: 2

Dylan Brandon Miss. Devenney H Theology I 22 April 2015

I thought this article was very touching. I'm struggling right now with my faith life and to get closer to God and I thought that the points he gave were very inspirng. I know a lot of people don't go to daily mass, but I think that if more people did, Jesus would be in more peoples hearts. I'm not a huge fan of retreats but because of this article I'm willing to give retreats another shot, I know that God works with every person in a unique and mysterious way... I just need to connect with God more. I do talk to God as a friend and I think that that's important because if you really want to connect with Him you have to think of Him as a friend not as some huge scary giant in the sky like the article stated. I think that God wants to be friends, not a being where you're uncomfortable talking to him. This article impacts the 21st­century because many teens are not close with God. They're so involved with other things such as technology, sports, parties and especially school because it's alot of pressure right now, that they forget about God. I feel that everyone should read this article to understand that God is more important then checking your social media every 10 seconds. This article impacts my life by seeing I need to go to daily mass and talk to

God more often. I'm definitely aware that my bond with God needs to be stronger. I've just been pushing it because I guess