ELL Reflective Report

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Pages: 3

To start my reflection I want to say that I have never had any experience with ELL students in the math classroom and I have learned a lot from the articles. One misconception that I had about ELLs was that they have no english knowledge and cannot speak in english at all. I also thought that having students use their own language in the classroom is not help to their education because the teacher cannot understand them. I realized these were not true during a disscussion in class and also read about it in the Equity for English Language Learners in Mathematics Classrooms journal. It is said that a good way to help ELL students communicate is to allow them to say it in their first language before trying to say it in english. By allowing students …show more content…
By writing information on the board the students can see what is very important and then it is there for student reference throughout the lesson. Also, for ELL students, it may be hard for them to understand what is being said verbally, but once it is on the board they can study it and understand it at their own pace. If a teacher includes visuals and hands on learning in the classroom the students will be more engaged in their learning. By allowing students to move around the classroom and see different ways of doing the same mathematical concepts, all students needs can be met. Some different ways that a teacher can include visuals in the classroom are illustrations, simulations, videos, online games, and concrete objects. ELL students can have a hard time understanding english, so including visuals allows the students to see it with their eyes. I think that it is also to point out that in the Supporting English Learners journal it was mentioned about making sure tasks are high-demand for ELL students. Just like any other student, ELL students should be given thought-provoking questions that are conceptual and use critical