Early Childhood Essay

Submitted By CoreyMcKinney1
Words: 429
Pages: 2

SSG Corey L. McKinney
Early childhood.com. (2008). Retrieved from http://www.earlychildhood.com/
Early childhood education. (2002-2013). Retrieved from http://www.nea.org/home/18163.htm
All parents seek disciplinary

techniques that work. However, not

all techniques work for all ages or for

all children. Infants (birth to 18

months) typically

do not need strong disciplinary

measures. When babies "misbehave"

they are often exploring and testing

their boundaries. Simply directing a

baby's attention elsewhere may solve the problem. The effective use of consequences can be a powerful parenting tool. When our children break a rule or fail to act responsibly, we can implement a consequence or allow the natural outcome of their behavior to take effect. Over time, these results act as a teacher, helping our kids to learn how things operate in the real world.

When dealing with guidance &

discipline for your Infants there are some

key points you have to remember:

* Strong close parent-child bond, built on trust and respect, is the foundation for discipline that teaches self-control

* Stay tuned to your baby’s or toddler’s feelings

* Set up your home for harmony so that your little one will have fewer unnecessary problems to contend with.

* Your baby or toddler is watching you and learning from you all the time. Your everyday example is a powerful teacher.

* Help give your child a stronger sense of control over his world, share your power

Those are some key points to keep in

mind. Raising a child well is not only

demanding, it is also one of the most

important jobs there is. You are helping

create both your child’s future and the
