Early Childhood Observation: An Observation Of Toddlers

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Pages: 2

I stated in my new spot in the room during this observational time, as I did not want to draw attention to myself with moving back across the room. The todlders contuinted to play as indvuvnundals for perhapse six or seven mintues after story time ended. Yet, this did not last the full time, I noticed small groups of two and one of three toddlers slowly drift together throughout this observation. Seeing this again I have come to the conclusion that toddlers, when playing together form a community of individuals, which I believe means simply that: toddlers enjoy being around others, as all humans are social creatures, but the lack of communication and perhaps the lack of development in terms of awareness leads the toddlers to play solo, rather than creating a game together. Becuase of how similar the observations had been up to this point …show more content…
During the later bit of this observation the caregivers said they would be going outside in a little, luckily my time was up before the toddlers were all rounded up again. I had thought about staying an extra fifteen minutes to see how much different the children would act outside, but knowing that the environment would be changed I figured it would not be a good idea in following the day care outside for some additional notes. The last few minutes of this observation I got witness the toddlers line up at the door and wait for the caregivers to let them out. Something I noted here was that there was a young girl who began crying and patting her head. I at first thought she was trying to convey that she had hit her head on something, but one of the day care workers asked if she wanted her hat, to which the toddler nodded. Seeing as how the day care worker had the toddler’s hat it made me assume that this interaction was fairly common. My observation ended as the toddlers were ushered outside and into their new play