History Of Convicts

Submitted By drock88944
Words: 2596
Pages: 11

ECON 1141 Tutorials
Tutorial 1
Social History:
Race relations
Activity between the aboriginals and settlers
Seen as an outlaw but also noble
Patriotism (the British understand it)
Economic History:
Scarcity of resources (food)
Father was executed
Property rights (livestock being taken, land for aboriginals)
Wasn’t best outcome for both parties (pareto optimality)
Social History:
First fleet to NSW
Governor Arthur Philip appointed him as an overseer
Brought a sense of trust in convicts (social mobility)
Had an entrepreneurial spirit
Decency of the British people to transport
 Criminals had rights
Philip believed in justice for all, even the criminals
Economic History
Exporting ceiling
Involved in many business activities
Emergence of survival to
Exploit resource of the ocean
Activity 2
A) optimal
Tutorial 2
Thomas Townshend
Sending convicts to prison
Believer in the power of redemption (tried to apply the law justly)
Old fashioned
There will be no slavery in a new country, so no slaves (treating slaves in a good way)
 ultimate redemption for convicts
American family, gone from being wealthy to nothing
Tutorial 3
Major Robert Ross (1740-1794)
Officer of marines and lieutenant governor
Appointed lieutenant gov. of NSW in 1786 and sailed in the Scarborough with the First Fleet
At odds with Phillip since founding of colony
These quarrels made Phillips task of carrying on administration more difficult
Was appointed by his acquaintances (maybe wasn’t qualified) Convicts should feed themselves (commanding)
Phillip sent Ross in March 1790 to take charge of Norfolk Island, probably to provide an open quarrel
Didn’t let marines watch over convicts
Bennelong (1764-1813)
Captured in 1789 by order of Phillip, who hoped to learn from him more of the natives’ customs and language
Took readily to life among white men, relished their food, acquired a taste for liquor, learned to speak English, attached to the governor
In 1792, he sailed with Phillip for England where he was presented to King George III
By Jan 1795, health was precarious
His second wife left him for another man, by this stage he became addicted to alcohol
Contemporary accounts reveal him as courageous, intelligent, vain, quick tempered
1. What did every ship sailing to Australia from Britain suffer?
- size of ocean, winds, ice
Tutorial 4
William Patterson
Solidier, explorer and Lieutenant governor
Captain in NSW Corps
Given command in detachment of on Norfolk Island
Sep. 1793, led an expedition to find a route through the Blue Mountains; he failed
Francis Grose
Soldier and Lieutenant governor
In 1789, appointed commander of the NSW Corps
His presence must have been welcome by Gov. Arthur Phillip
Phillip left Grose for 2 years in control of the settlement

John Palmer
Arrived on first fleet in 1788
Heads the Commissariat (draws up the treasury bills)
Enterprising settler 2nd in command of the NSW Corps at teh
Question 1: What role did each of the 3 play
Tutorial – Week 7
NSW Linkage Comparisons
Whaling in SR
Began in 1837
Sealing in SR
3-4 years of high demand
Sandalwood in SR
Found to grow naturally in the west
Problems with transport
SR Linkage Comparisons
Tool production
‘The Whalemen’
1. what is the difference between Australia whaling ships run by merchants and American whaling ships from New England in Australian waters?
- distance (want to be on an Australian boat)
 only takes 1 year to sail out
- Australians didn’t have the skills that the Americans had (merchants weren’t as skilled)
- Time at sea (1 year vs 3 years average)
- non specialist vs. specialist
2. how many whaling stations were in Tasmania at its peak?
- 35
3. what bay whaling practices in Australia were contrary to sustainability?
- beating the whales
- killing the baby whales, to get the mothers to come
 destroying the next crop of whales
- bays were a maternity