Essay about Econ 2 Study Guide

Submitted By tiffuhhnneee
Words: 306
Pages: 2

Chapter 9
Perfect Competition
Easy entry/ exit
Many firms
Homogenous products
Price taker
No adv.
Shift in supply curve
Price taker- a firm that can alter its rate of production and sale without significantly affecting the market price.
Shutdown condition: P ≥ AVC continue; P< AVC shutdown
Chapter 10
Absolute Barriers
One firm
No close substitues
Price maker
Adv. For new product/ public relations
No shift
Interdependence- mutual dependence between things
Chapter 11
Monopolistic Competition
Easy entry/ exit
Many firms
Differentiated products
Price makers
Shift in demand
Many barriers
Few firms
Product doesn’t matter (homogenous or differentiated)
Price makers
Shift in supply curve

Chapter 12
Sherman Act- illegal for companies to seek monopoly on a product or service, or form cartels
Antitrust laws- maintain fair competition in open market industry
Natural Monopoly- one firm that can produce the whole market demand at a lower opportunity cost than other firms
Horizontal- same products
Vertical- merge between two companies in the production line
Conglomerate- merge between to random industries
Chapter 13
Derived demand: if demand for a good increases, demand for the factors of the good increase as well.
Mariginal Revenue Product = Marginal Physical Product x Marginal Revenue
Marginal Physical Product=
Wage= Marginal Fixed Cost
Chapter 14
Types of Unions
1. Craft or trade: members do the same job
2. Industrial: members who work on the