Economic Inequality In The United States

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Pages: 3

Also known as income of inequality, wealth inequality, “gap between the rich and poor”, “gulf between rich and poor”, and contrast between rich and poor. Refers to how metrics are distributed among individuals in a group, among groups in a population, or other countries.

The way social reflects on to Economic Inequality is the division of race. In the year 1967 - 2011 Asians and whites had more of an income than the hispanics and blacks. There is a huge gap between this, the white makes 63% more of income than the blacks. Currently the blacks obtain the lowest income out of the other 3 races. Another social problem is the gap between the poor and rich. New York is one the top states for Economic Inequality. There is amount of evidence of
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Currently Economic Inequality is a huge problem and it has to be resolved for the better good. But how should we the people resolve this problem or how should the government resolve the problem, what programs should the government establish. The big question is should the government programs be used to decrease economist equality. For an example should the government decrease unemployment insurance, social security, medicare, medicaid, food stamps, government subsides for housing and farming. Jared Berenstein, a journalist had made the 10 suggestion to address Economic inequality. Jared believes that if a private market fails to obtain full employment the government must be the employer. He also believe that we should take action against countries that manage their currencies to take their efforts and tax the exports. Raise the mininum wage to 12$/hour by 2020 and increase the overtime …show more content…
The government should first start with regulating property rights. Property rights is an positive effect for the economy the government should allowed the right to use the good, the right to earn income from the good, the right to transfer the good to the others and the right to enforcement of property rights. This is the first start to decrease the gap of economic inequality. Another role the government should do to reduce the gap of economic inequality is that they should regulate collective bargain. The government should start by strengthen collective bargaining rights to help give workers the leverage they need to bargain for better wages and benefits and to set high labor standards for all workers, and support strong enforcement of labor standards to protect