Canada's Economic Independent In The 1920s

Submitted By matthewbrown55
Words: 352
Pages: 2

Canada became economical independent in the 1920s and 1930s through their raw materials, control of international affairs, and the creation of many spinoff industries due to the production of cars. Firstly, during the early 1920s Canada started to tap into their hidden potentially by harboring their raw materials for exportation. Canada had an abundance of raw materials that other countries desperately crave, especially the oil being produced in Alberta by the millions of barrels. So when a Canadian Parliament member Walter Riddell proposed the economic sanctions of refusing Italy of trade oil for their invasion of Abyssinia. Italy then threated Canada with war because like many other counties, they were desperate for Canadian raw materials. Thus always insuring a demand for these materials and cause Canada to maintain their economy, and showed how other power nations were in some aspects dependent on Canada. Secondly, the Statue of Westminster states Commonwealth countries had complete control over their international affairs; Canada was able to interact with U.S. without Britain’s approval. This allowed Canada the control they need on what and how much they were going to export and interact with certain nation. Soon after, a strong connection was created in North America that went beyond trading, in order to maintain both of their wildlife. The Halibut treaty was created to protect the North Pacific fisheries, and the population of fish. Thirdly, during the 1920s the