Economy: Elections and Bonding Agent Function Essay

Submitted By ElianiPena
Words: 404
Pages: 2

There are five main things that political parties do and those things are:
1. Nominate a Candidate: One of the biggest roles of a political party is to nominate and name a candidate that will represent the voters. These candidates are then helped by those who elected them to help win elections. By electing someone who will represent their political party they are putting someone out there in the public that they believe should be leading our country.
2. Informing and Activating Supporters: Another job tat parties have is to inform the people and inspire and activate their interest in public affairs. Parties do this by having commercials, take stands on issues, and criticize the candidates and their positions. Parties are trying to win elections so that they get what they want in government and the only way of doing that is by getting the people involved so that they pick the right candidate that will get the most votes by the American people.
3. The Bonding Agent Function: In politics political parties act as a "bonding agent" to ensure the good performance of its candidates and officeholders. When choosing a candidate a party must make sure that they are not only qualified for the position but also has a good personality and reputation. If a party does not take responsibility for its actions of its candidates then it may cause them to lose future elections. That is why it is extremely important for them to pick a candidate that will not make a fool of their party and