Ed Kennedy's Journey In I Am The Messenger

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Pages: 3

Do you ever wonder what the purpose of your life is? What is the meaning of it? Why do you exist and what makes your existence worth existing?
There are many people struggling to find the answers to these questions. Similarly the main character Ed Kennedy of the novel “I am the messenger” Is struggling to find the purpose if his existence. The novel witnesses the journey of Ed’s transformation from an aimless young cab driver to a young brave man, and becoming a helping hand for others. His meaningless life changes through some playing cards, and the messages that left a powerful impact on him. As a result of the messages, Ed finds the purpose that makes existence worth existing; he perceives his own courage, creates new friendships and goes
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He was aimless and spent most of his time playing cards with his friends. Ed saw himself as an ordinary boy with no ambitions and purpose in his life; He states “I am typical of many of the other men you see in these suburban outposts of the city not a whole lot of prospects and possibility” (pg6).But soon his life takes an interesting turn. His life begins to change when his starts receiving the playing cards, each containing an address and a message on it. Ed learns that he has to visit the addresses and help the people on it. While delivering the cards, he realizes that this is not an easy job and he starts to feel controlled and trapped. He states “I fall deep inside me and felt trapped” (pg104). Ed felt trapped because he was not used to b being controlled by anyone and he thought that he has no choice but to follow the instructions. During this mission Ed faced many barriers. He sometimes felt weak and helpless such as, when he witnessed the crime at the Edger Street. He felt guilty and weak because he was not able to help the woman who was getting raped” (pg41). However this incident proved to be a turning point in his