Edc131 Reflection

Words: 519
Pages: 3

Hello, my name’s Kylie and today I would like to share with you my experience with unit EDC131 – Language and Literacy for teachers. I feel this unit has been invaluable to myself and to my future as a university student. It has allowed me to identify my strengths and weaknesses in literacy, writing and speaking. It has provided me with some great resources and skills to become a stronger, academically prepared person.

During this unit I have enjoyed learning about the different ways we can communicate. Looking firstly at language, how we use it, how each culture has its own language, Chomsky describes how all languages share the same basic design properties, and how even the same language can be different, the variances simply being the
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I love Wittgenstein’s phase from 1921, “The limit of my language, means the limit of my world”. This has made me think about my teaching philosophy and how language development and the theories of language fit into it. I am still unsure as to which theory I feel is right for my philosophy as each has its own merits, it may be, all in some way contribute to my philosophy.
Another aspect of this unit was literacy. I myself never realised the impact language has on literacy, I knew it was important, but just how much astounds me. It is amazing how much emphasis it put on reading and writing in schools but how often language skills are left to its own devices.
I have learnt that within a child’s early years of development it is extremely important to provide opportunities for children to explore and interact with text and print. But before a child can develop and use reading and writing skills it is essential they have a strong oral language