Edgar Allan Poe's The Masque Of The Red Death

Words: 519
Pages: 3

If Edgar Allan Poe , who wrote “The masque of the red death” , was in fact talking about Ebola then how did he know this was gonna happen? Poe did not write about the Ebola virus , it is impossible for him to know about a disease that happened almost 200 years after his death . Poe got the symptoms right , but it is still physically impossible. Date and time really was off , but that's still supporting me . The reaction was although a lot different. Again , Poe did not know about this , I think he's just mad . One reason I think Poe didn't relate this to Ebola are the symptoms. According to the text the red death has bleeding from the pores , as in all over your body , as with Ebola it only causes nose bleed and eye bleeding