Effective Communication In Group Work

Words: 775
Pages: 4

This paper will show the experiences of working in a group setting with peers of a school project and those working with employees. It will give you an idea of my personal experiences as well as those that have been researched from others and the solutions that they found for effective communication. It will show how communication is a vital part of success in working with others in teams and how we each have a different role to play in the group. It will show the different ways of communication as well as the breakdowns that might happen in a group setting. You will understand what occurs to cause the breakdown of communication and some effective ways to keep breakdowns from happening. You will see several great ways to fix
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We have someone that stepped up to be the leader of our group and she has been keeping us on task. I have found it difficult although my MB assessment shows me as taking charge and being a leader, to keep up with work, family and school these first few weeks. Group 1, which is the group I am in, has really worked hard to accomplish the assignment and make sure our work is professional and gives the information it needs to give. We have communicated successfully through our group discussion blog and file exchange. To me, working in the school group is a little different than working with peers daily. I feel like while the three of us in our group are all working together toward the goal of a degree in Human Resources, my work peers sometimes have their own agendas. I am learning how to say and do things to make sure we can all get on the same page at work to accomplish the goals set out for us. My school group that I have worked with have been wonderful and seem to want to step up and help to be …show more content…
Most breakdowns occur because a lack of understanding communication. There are several ways to avoid communication breakdowns. Face to face conversation is the most effective when it can be used. This negates any possibilities of misunderstanding the task that needs to be handled. Body language can also be detected when having a face to face conversation. Sending emails is a convenient way to communicate but the way you word something in an email can often be construed as something different than the actual meaning. Be self-aware and transparent. Own up to your mistakes and be aware of your co-workers feelings. If you make a mistake, own up to it. This shows you as an equal to your employee. Encourage collaboration and appreciate individuality. There are some in your work group that do their best brain storming in collaborations while there are individuals who shine showing what qualities they bring to the table as