Effects Of American Imperialism

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Pages: 5

At the end of the nineteenth century, America had finally achieved its goal of conquering all land from coast to coast on what would become known as America. America was finally done with fighting with Native Americans and had established its reign. But the question arises of whether the american frontier was necessary anymore. Because the American frontier, Americans always had an escape from the problems that faced them. There was this notion that if you couldn't make things work where you were at you could always pack up and move west and start over. So it became quite the shock that America could no longer take apart of that philosophy since there was nowhere west to expand to. When looking at this time in history we see that European nations …show more content…
Going back to the India and China example we see that trade flourishes when you have the connections to do so. When you have a population that is interested in your product you are usually able to better sell your products. Additionally if the country you are trying to trade with has a surplus of a material that your country doesn't have a lot of you can buy that material for cheaper from that country. To give an example of how Imperialism became economically apart of the U.S. we have to look at the annexation of Hawaii. Hawaii was first a island nation founded on an expedition through the pacific ocean. After initial discovery American protestant missionaries arrived on the island turning the islands into a place of commerce. Hawaii as well as the Philippines became similar to became great stops for trade routes to China parallel to the European colonies on their trips to the East Asia. Once Sugar was discovered to be grown in Hawaii it became the most prevalent export of the islands with people even …show more content…
began to take over countries economically. When the U.S. started to fund the insurgents of the Hawaiian people, we saw an uprising that led to the downfall of the Hawaiian monarchy. This removal of power let to the U.S.’s ability to take over the country of Hawaii and making it a state. These events would begin to foreshadow events that would happen in the middle east where we would again help the “underdog” faction of nations leaving them with an unstable government were we would have to help with the remake and influence the affairs surrounding the aftermath.
In conclusion, American Imperialism manifested itself as a way to close the gap between the power for America to competing European nations by showing a sign of national prowess by establishing colonies as trade stops. Also American Imperialism was influenced because of the expand its economic power it presented such as the sugar plantations of Hawaii which would foreshadow future events in American History. These acts would shape some of America's darker acts on its way to becoming a world