Egg Osmosis Lab Report

Words: 706
Pages: 3

This lab project was to demonstrate the system of how osmosis and diffusion works. More specifically to examine the movement of how substances flow in and out of the cell membrane. Which was demonstrated by soaking an egg in various liquids with a time table to see how it would affect the egg. The egg can be substituted as the cell membrane. Predictions, observations, and procedures were made. Before the lab procedures can be discussed, Osmosis and other key terms should be mentioned and explained. Osmosis is a process by which molecules of a solvent tend to pass through a semipermeable (The Egg) membrane from a less concentrated solution, like water into a more concentrated one like corn syrup, making the concentrations on each side of the membrane equal.Similar to Osmosis diffusion is movement of particles from an area in which they are in higher concentration to regions of lower concentration. They do this by passive transport, which is the movement of those molecules without the requirement of energy. This will be explained further during the procedures and results.
For the experiment the instructions were laid out clearly, Materials were needed a glass jar, beaker, graduated cylinder, and paper bag. Other materials included were vinegar, water, and light corn syrup. To begin the procedure 400 ml of
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The predicted outcome was that the color will change and the egg will become harder. The egg was observed the next day and the syrup was gently poured out, the egg was touched and the observations were noted that the egg will become shiny and shriveled up. The same thing that happened with the vinegar also happened with the corn syrup. This was also due to diffusion and also osmosis. The corn syrup like vinegar actively transported from the high concentration of the corn syrup to the low concentration of the egg. Which did match our prediction as we said the egg will change its color and