Eia Cartridge Test Hcg

Words: 1611
Pages: 7

Running Head: PREGNANCY TEST 1

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EIA Cartridge Test for hCG The human Chronic Gonadotopin (hCG) is a test that is done to check the hormone hCG hormone in blood or urine. Notably, Web MD (2015) reveals that the EIA Cartridge Test for hCG is a pregnancy test that is revealed through 25 test cartridges that are individually wrapped to reveal the results of the test through stickers. While some hCG tests measure the exact amount of the hormone present in the system of a pregnant woman, others simply check to confirm whether the hormone is present, therefore, identifying pregnancy. However, it is very important for people using the EIA cartridge test for hCG to understand that besides the placenta, hCG may be produced by growing tumors. Such tumors are often abnormal growing tumors that originate from an egg or a sperm. Because of the ability of the EIA cartridge test for hCG to detect abnormally growing tissue in the body, healthcare specialists have embraced the use of the test to detect cancers in the uterus as well as molar pregnancy. In addition, Cole (2012) reveals that EIA cartridge
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Most, the test is performed to determine whether a patient is pregnant. Secondly, the hCG test can easily identify an ectopic pregnancy especially during the second trimester when the results are accurate. In addition, through the hCG test, a molar pregnancy may be identified and also treated. Strasinger and Di Lorenzo (2008) also reveals that with the combination of other tests, the physician can determine the presence of other birth defects. Although these tests are mostly performed on pregnant women, the hCG test can also determine cancers in both men and