El Chupacabra Research Paper

Words: 1261
Pages: 6

El Chupacabra is an urban legend believed to be responsible for attacks on livestock in South America, Puerto Rico, and the American Southwest. The name chupacabra comes from the Spanish words chupar (to suck) and cabra (goat), and is named for its vampire-like attacks (What is El Chupacabra, n.d.). It is known for attacking livestock and draining of them of their blood while leaving almost all of the meat. The first reported attack occurred in Puerto Rico in 1995, when a farmer discovered his goats and chickens drained of their blood (Chupacabra, 2012). This was followed by a series of attacks occurring in Puerto Rico, Chile, Mexico, and the United States (Chupacabra, 2012). The chupacabra has been blamed for the attacks of many animals, mostly consisting of small mammals readily available on most farms, however, it is believed that the mystery of the chupacabra is only a case of diseased wild dogs. The creature’s appearance varies greatly depending on the report. The first reports in Puerto Rico describe the chupacabra as being a bipedal animal, about four to five feet tall, with spikes down its back and an alien-like head with red or black eyes (Carey, 2011). When …show more content…
Officials called in the Chilean National Guard to conduct a search for the creatures (The History of El Chupacabra, 2012). Armed soldiers began searching day and night for the creature, or any potential answers to the mysterious attacks (The History of El Chupacabra, 2012). After the National Guard searches turned up empty handed, the federal government became involved in the investigation. Bringing in the highest form of Chilean Law Enforcement, the searches resumed, but to no avail. After two months of investigating and little evidence, an official Chilean government statement was released, stating that the attacks were caused by wild dogs (The History of El Chupacabra,