El Jarabe Tapatio Overworld Analysis

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Pages: 6

Japanese video game music and traditional Mexican folk dance music Koji Kondo’s Super Mario Bros Theme song, Overworld will be analyzed alongside of El Jarabe Tapatio (Mexican hat dance) by Jesus Gonzalez Rubio, in furtherance of the exploration the prevalent links between Japanese video game music and Mexican traditional folk dance music. Although these pieces are different in the matter of their medium and style, similarities remain evident in their short, repetitive form. However, the most apparent musical links are shared between their melodic progression and the context of entertainment.
The music of Mexico presents a number of different instruments, including the violin, guitar, and the trumpet. Several different genres
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Before the Mexican War of Independence, male and females began to both perform the dance. However, shortly after males got involved, it was banned by the religious authorities because it was challenging Spain’s control over the territory and it was considered morally offensive by the authority. This only ended up causing a great amount of rebellion and protest and illegal dances being held, which ultimately brought more popularity to the dance. Overtime, the Jarabe dance became known as Mexico’s identity because of how much it developed and fanned out in popularity amongst those living in Mexico.
The traditional music of Japan differs greatly from Japan’s video game music. Traditional Japanese music mostly features instruments, such as the Okami and the Muramasa- which are accustomed to Japan. Unlike western music, Japan does not use the 12-tone scale. Japanese music heavily uses microtonal inflections, which include intervals that are smaller than a semitone. While western music scales include 12 tones, that is not the case in traditional Japanese