Elie Wiesel's Boy In The Striped Pajamas

Words: 485
Pages: 2

Learning about the holocaust is unbearable, and to hear about six million jews were killed during the Holocaust. In the book Boy in the Striped Pajamas gives static details about how the Holocaust was affecting the jews. All it takes about is how to different worlds joining together to make a friendship. Nothing about how the jews were abused. In this paper i'll be talking about how this book should not be read by 7th grade curriculum.

Most of this book lacks clear details. It really didn’t give details about how the camps were or how bad the jews were punished. In the Holocaust the jews were killed, abused, forced labor, and gassed. In the book it only talked about how it was challenging for Bruno to move to a different home outside of berlin, But finds a friend name Shmuel.
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Didn’t get the see what the soldiers did to the jews or how the hurt them, but on scene in the book Kotler beat up Povel for accidentally spilling wine on him. Didn’t get to see how the soldier worked or how they deal with the problems. In the book they didn’t tell you how they would really run the camps or what the soldiers did.

It wasn’t to intense for the readers to read. When reading the book you didn't see anything really bad. There wasn't anyone getting killed in front of Bruno the family. There wasn't anybody that would get beaten badly. This might be a good book for younger reader because the might be able to handle it, but towards the end of the book Bruno and Shmuel were sent to the gas chambers and killed when they were trying to find shmuel's