Elizabeth Proctor's Use Of Fear And Fear In The Crucible

Words: 362
Pages: 2

From Arthur Miller’s The Crucible comes a catastrophic series of supposedly supernatural events in the late 1700s, all sprouting from a young woman’s obsession with a contentious farmer, on a mission to annihilate his wife. From the play’s start, the role of witchcraft renders an important part in the rigid Puritan community of Salem, Massachusetts. Abigail Williams, who has devised this menacing scheme to bring down Elizabeth Proctor, causes the citizens of Salem to grow spooked of the Devil and his doings, causing unease to exude upon the population. Mass hysteria and fear, motifs within the play, pollutes Salem into ‘playing’ a malicious game of “he said, she said”. This form of terror further builds onto the theme of how false accusations