Emotion and Uncertainty Essay

Submitted By Rachel-Westpfahl
Words: 429
Pages: 2

Rachel Westpfahl
CMN 435

Brashers Reaction Paper

Communication and Uncertainty Management focuses on the experience and meaning of uncertainty, the role of appraisal and emotion in uncertainty management, and the range of behavioral and psychological responses to uncertainty. Firstly, Brashers explains, “uncertainty exists when details of situations are ambiguous, complex, unpredictable, or probabilistic; when information in unavailable or inconsistent; and when people feel insecure in their own state of knowledge or the state of knowledge in general” (478). Peoples’ beliefs about their level of uncertainty is based on their own perception. Moreover, uncertainty within relationships is based on the amount of disclosure between partners and level of trust. Secondly, appraisal and emotion affect peoples’ uncertainty management. People will examine the meaning of events based on its relevance to them personally. If an event is more emotionally charged, then people will react more severely to the uncertainty. Lastly, peoples’ behavioral and psychological responses to uncertainty depend on how extreme the positive or negative outcome will be. I have experienced what Brashers has explained of uncertainty. My relationship began with a lot of anxiety and vulnerability when I was uncertain if my feelings were being reciprocated. Dating is all about judging someone to decide if you want to be with them, so being uncertain of how you feel about the other person and how they feel about you causes behavioral and psychological differences in your life. I experienced appraisal because I would overanalyze things that he would say and put meaning to them. This helped me feel better about my uncertainty even