Enforcing The Criminal Justice Process

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Pages: 3

In the processes of criminal justice, there are systems that go in a step by step order, which include police, courts, and corrections. Although they have similarities such as enforcing the law, they all have different jobs to perform. These jobs include enforcing the law and stabilizing civil order, interpreting the laws to determine how the criminals will be charged, and enforcing the rules at criminal occupied facilities. What will be introduced first is the beginning step of enforcing the law in the criminal justice system.
Police are one of the most important steps of them all. This happens to be the very first step of enforcing law. Police are the first to have actual contact with the criminal. In other words, they catch the criminal
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The courts execute the process ran by judges through trials, which determine the offender’s sentence. This gives the offender an opportunity to fight against what they are being charged with, if they feel they have been wrongfully charged. It also gives the opportunity for the judge to explain the wrong doing of the offender and explain what and why they are being charged, with help of the jury. The jury helps to decide the case and gives the judge less power in determining the outcome of the offender's trial. The courts also provide opportunities for civil disputes to be resolved, protect the individual's rights, and provide an unbiased perspective on the case that is brought forward. (“The Criminal…”) After this process in the criminal system the next is the …show more content…
There are different categories such as correction, corrections, and correctional. Correction is the process of correcting something. Corrections is the process in which it is being corrected. Lastly correctional, is the process in how these corrections are being enforced, such as through probation, or time spent in prison. This includes people like correction officers, and probation officers. Correction officers are known and recognized as the “voice” in these facilities, who enforce rules and ensure safety throughout the premises. (“What Is…”) Often times, the role of correctional officers is swept under the rug and gone unnoticed. Despite the lack of recognition, correctional officers’ have a tedious work schedule that includes extensive work with criminals. These officers deal with the aftermath of criminals’ behaviors and decisions. Although there is little emphasis on their roles, they play just as an important role as any other sector of the criminal justice system. Out of the three subsystems, there is not a single one that has priority, they all play an equal part in working together to reach just outcomes for all involved. Overall, the effectiveness of the criminal justice system is dependent upon these three subsystems working in harmony. Corruption in one area could lead to lack of civil order and safety within a community. Often times, the people who work within this system have negative connotations associated with them