English 101 Reflection

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For my English 101 class a writing that I thought was my best writing this year was probably my profile. At first when writing my profile, my original profile it seemed really subtle that my writing did not have a clear focus till I examined my other peers’ profile drafts. The feedback I received revolved around this concept. I needed to focus on one aspect that made my father a successful businessman he is today. Despite knowing the issue first hand, I decided to another alternative my internship mentor Dr. Henkel. The reason for this was that I had more substance to work with and also since I already talked about my father earlier in my personal narrative. With the aid of Norton Field Guide to Writing” book in the section Profile there …show more content…
The reason I think that this is probably my best project is the fact that it really required me to go ahead and think about and just getting exposure/ practice to the use of rhetoric devices. For instance, in the project we were supposed to summarize class readings that we had read within the past weeks including from the works of Springboard, “Why Students Think They Understand—When They Don’t” by Daniel T. Willingham or “The Wrong Way to Teach Writing Grammar”. The project itself was divided into two parts in that the first portion of the project was to test my ability of using either antimetabole or chiasmus in a sentence to summarize one of the readings mentioned. An example of one of the sentences I wrote includes, “Achieving success is not the same as being happy, as being happy is achieving success.” The third part of the project was to test my ability to go ahead and write an introductory summary of one the articles by using hypophora. An example I have includes “Is there a new gadget/device out there that can provide the answer to the reason students struggle while studying? Sadly, there is not, unless you were looking for a calculator in some cases. However, in the article “Why Students Think They Understand—When They Don’t,” a professor of cognitive psychology and neuroscience, Daniel T. Willingham concludes that students quite often mistaken their ability to know and recall material needed for a pertained