Essay English 1a

Submitted By thechosenfee
Words: 414
Pages: 2

Research Plan
Due Monday, April 22, 2013
a) Read the document entitled “Sample Research Plan” on our class wiki. It will give you a sense of how much detail to include, and offers some ideas for important steps to include in your research plan. b) Download this form (not the sample, but this one you are reading right now). c) Type in your responses below (allow yourself 2 hours) d) Print out completed form and bring to class on 11/22

Name: Alan Nguyen

1. Research topic (1-2 sentences):

2. Research question (1-2 sentences):

|3. Research Schedule: | | | | |
|Specific step. Be as specific as possible, making sure that each step is|Approx. time it |Place where you |Date and time you |Done! |
|doable in a single sitting (less than 4 hours, including travel, |will take (include|will do it |will do it: | |
|orientation, etc.) Ideally, steps should be doable in under 2 hours. If|travel time) |(remember to check| | |
|a task is not doable in 4 hours time, break it down into smaller steps. | |hours of | | |
| | |libraries, | | |
| | |archives, etc.): | | |
|Go to CCSF Library, use the database to lookup keywords |2 hours |Library |April 22 | |
|Prison industry | | |3pm – 5pm | |
|War on drugs | | | | |
|Prison and capitalism | | | | |
|Prisoner and commodities | | | | |
|Prison industrial complex | | | | |
|Private prison | | | | |
|Growth of private prisons | | | | |
|Prison labor and capitalism | | | | |
|Arrest rates and prison growth | | | | |
|Conviction rate and prison growth | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| |1 1/2 hour |home |April 22, 2013 | |
|List my sources including downloading. | | |8 pm-9:30pm | |
|Search the SF public library database for hard copy sources, and choose |2-5 hours |Home/Sf public |April 23, | |
|to check them out. |