English Grammar Terms Essay

Submitted By RichieRich7
Words: 658
Pages: 3

English Grammar Terms
1.Noun: the name of a person, place, thing, or idea.
2.Common noun: anyone of a general class of people, places, things, or ideas.
3.Proper noun: the name of a special or specific person, place, thing, or idea.
4.Collective noun: a word that means related groups.
5.Compound noun: two words that mean are joined together as one.
6.Abstract noun: an idea or feeling that you can’t touch.
7.Concrete noun: a noun you can touch.
8.Pronoun: a word that takes the place of a noun or group of nouns.
9.Demonstrative pronoun: a pronoun that points out.
10.Interrogative pronoun: a pronoun that asks a question.
11.Indefinite pronoun: a pronoun that doesn’t refer to anyone or anything specific.
12.Possessive pronoun: a pronoun that replaces a possessive noun.
13.Antecedent: the noun that the pronoun replaces.
14.Verb: a word that shows action or state of being.
15.Linking verb: a verb that expresses state of being.
16.Predicating verb: a verb that expresses action.
17.Transitive verb: a verb accompanied by a direct object.
18.Intransitive: a verb that has no object.
19.Auxiliary verb: a verb that helps a main verb express an action or an idea.
20.Subject: who or what is doing the action of the sentence or is being acted upon.
21.Predicate: the part of a sentence that says something about the subject.
22.Phrase: a group of words that tends to make sense without being a complete sentence.
23.Clause: a subject with a verb.
24.Direct object: the receiver of the action of a predicating verb.
25.Indirect object: to whom, for whom, to what, or for what something was done in the sentence.
26.Predicate nominative: The predicate nominative is the noun following a linking verb that restates the subject.
27.Predicate adjective: an adjective that follows an intransitive linking verb and describes the subject.
28.(you) understood: when the subject doesn’t really appear in a command or a request.
29.Adverb: a word that modifies an adjective, verb, or adverb.
30.Negative adverbs: no, never, hardly
31.Adjective: a word that describes a noun or pronoun.
32.Proper adjective: an adjective that is formed from a proper noun.
33.Conjunction: a word that joins words or groups of words together in a sentence.
34.Interjection: a word that expresses strong feelings or emotions.
35.Preposition: word that shows relationship between a noun or pronoun.
36.Prepositional phrase: a group of words containing a preposition, a noun or