English Lessons Learned

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Pages: 5

\ English is a second language to me, and it makes writing a struggle for me. I have always struggled to put my thoughts on paper in a manner that is coherent and correct according to assignments. Even when I start writing, I have issues with my grammar and sentence fragments. When I reread and edit my paper, it’s a long and hard process for me because I can never figure out what I’m trying to say on paper. However, this course has helped me realize the many steps that are involved in the writing process from gathering ideas to making a final copy.
Throughout my whole high school years, when it comes to revising others papers all I did was fix up grammar and fix sentences that didn’t make sense. When we first started revising papers for peers in college, it was a different from when I was in high school. I had to carefully read and analyze sentences that didn’t make sense or didn’t fit. I would reread my peers essay and find places that didn’t have enough detail to make their argument clear. There were paragraphs that I found to have too many ideas in
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I often write a sentence in my papers and forget to add details to explain why it’s in my essay. Suggesting is something that gets me in trouble when writing my essays. I suggest that the audience is thinking what I’m thinking, and has the same interpretation as I do. Adding details to my ideas and details to make my argument stronger, are ways to support my argument.
When I wrote my essays, I thought they were decent and that my point of view about the article we read was correct. When I get my essays back, I usually notice that I went off track and didn’t put the authors key points into my essays. My biggest problem I have with writing is that I think too much. I would always feel like I could add more to make it better. Even when peers and my professor tell me it’s fine the way it is, it will still bother