English: Logic and Internal Organ Illness Essay

Submitted By daisygonzalez95
Words: 579
Pages: 3

Purely or Objective ?

Reason is a cause, explanation or justification for an action or event , everything we do has a reason to it. Without reason we wouldn’t have a justification for why things happen around the world and so our understanding of the world wouldn’t be so deep. For example the fact that he understand the way human organs work and the reason for why we have them help us justify on any mislead functions that happen in our bodies. The purpose for why we have organs are very important so without knowing the reason for what they are and why they exist and how it helps us survive and by that, we wouldn’t have the knowledge to figure out how to cure some one that has an internal organ illness and why their body isn’t working properly for that matter. The logic behind reasoning is an effective term to every person because the purpose to everything people do in their daily lives have a reason towards which we all understand so reasoning may be universal in some aspects but it does vary across cultures. For example in the early 18th century changing jobs frequently was a negative trait towards people where they would be judge for not having stability and lack of skills, as today the aspect of changing jobs so often is seen as normal where it could be seen as progression in their career. As well in the eastern world having a high risking job as gambling was looked down upon as a dangerous, irresponsible and undesirable thing to do, but in western parts of the world it seen as enterprising and adventurous. So the fact that normality and preferences change because of the different reasoning of each aspect changes the opinion people have behind those aspects culturally.

Logic is as a type of reasoning through strict principles of vitality, most people think that logic is better understood through experience than deductive reasoning. The word logic comes from the Greek word “logike” which also refers to both the study of modes of reasoning and the use of valid reasoning. It is usually used through the use of argumentation and symbolizing statements. Logic is a term that is purely objective the reason being is when the term is used as in math, your