Enkidu's Transformation In The Epic Of Gilgamesh

Words: 358
Pages: 2

In The Epic of Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh’s transformation caused by Enkidu’s companionship leads him to become humble and selfless; however, his transformation is not complete until his search for immortality has been terminated. Once Enkidu and Gilgamesh sprout their friendship, Gilgamesh’s conversion from a ruthless tyrant to a benevolent king is evident once Gilgamesh’s new joy and benevolence are able to restore peace to the city. The people of Uruk state, “Uruk, again, was a city that people praised,”(2). As a result of their friendship, Gilgamesh was able to go through a transformation that changes his outlook of Uruk and the methods he is using to rule the city. Without the encounter he faced with Enkidu, Uruk would continue to be dissatisfied