Equality 7-2521 Quotes

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Pages: 3

“We are one in all and all in one. There are no men but only the great WE, one, indivisible and forever.” This quote is recited by Equality 7-2521 in Ayn Rand’s novel Anthem. The subjects of the society in which Anthem is positioned are involuntarily taught, and often tell themselves this when tempted to be selfish, at a young age. This reference is one of the many characteristics that shows how powerful the leaders of Anthem’s society are. Due to this power the leaders possess a tendency to undermine their subjects. The nature of science and technology in Anthem is highly suppressed due to leaders power and social conformity. From birth, the subjects in Anthem are exposed to the hierarchy of the society in which they live. It begins with their names. They are given valueless names which …show more content…
He wishes to collect additional knowledge, to ask questions, to learn faster, but he is forced to learn slowly and ask fewer questions due to the incompetence of the teachers. Knowledge suppression is done to everyone in Anthem’s dystopian like society. This suppression causes the deceleration of science and technology in this society. An instance of the deceleration of science is age expectancy in Anthem’s society. At age forty the subjects are considered “The old ones”, later on -in the novel Equality 7-2521 states that, “We learned how to bleed men to cure them of all ailments.” They believe what they’re doing to help cure their illnesses is correct, but they are wrong. They continue to believe what they are doing is right because “ the Council Of Scholars has said that there are no mysteries and the Council Of Scholars knows all things.” The leaders of Anthem’s society teach their subjects to not question what is going on around them, they keep their subjects narrow-minded so they are easier to control, which inevitably leads to the delay od scientific and technological advances in their