Equine-Assisted Therapy Case Study

Words: 467
Pages: 2

The success of any community program relies on the awareness and evaluation of its effectiveness. In the case of this equine-assisted therapy program for LGBTQ+ highschoolers, meticulous record-keeping and assessment strategies are crucial for monitoring progress and impact. The director of the program is tasked with ensuring that yearly information sessions are conducted at each of the eleven high schools. Additionally, the program's efficacy on mental health outcomes will be evaluated using the PROMIS depression scale. The goal of reducing suicidal ideation among LGBTQ+ high schoolers in the Alpine School District by 20% by 2029 underscores the importance of evaluation techniques to gauge the program's effectiveness. One of the most important aspects of running the program is developing awareness of the …show more content…
The efficacy of the program will be evaluated by analyzing data collected from the sessions and other activities associated with the program. This data will be documented using a variety of strategies. The first is by keeping a record of each of the equine-assisted therapy groups offered by Courage Reins for LGBTQ+ high schoolers over the two year period. All sessions run will be documented in an excel document that includes the date, time, and a brief summary of the session. This document will also be used to track how many students attended each equine-assisted therapy group at Courage Reins for the school year 2024-2025. There will be room to add feedback from the participants as well. The equine-assisted therapy program will be facilitated by a recreational therapist who will use a formal assessment entitled the PROMIS depression scale at the start and end of each eight week program. This assessment measures self-reported depression, which is correlated with suicidal