Ergonomics Essay

Submitted By APGrey
Words: 471
Pages: 2

Ergonomics is a profession of designing machines, tools, and work environments to best accommodate human performance and behaviour. It aims to improve the practicality, efficiency, and safety of a person working with a single machine or device. With the growing technology in the world today, ergonomic designers become much more in demand in our society which means that their prospects are quite high. However just like any other careers, there is also a particular flaw in this occupation. Ergonomics seems like the kind of job that does not take too much physical efforts. Nevertheless, it still poses physical health threats to employees and employers. There are many health risks for these kinds of occupation.
One common risk is known as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS). Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a hand and arm condition that causes numbness, tingling, and other symptoms. It is caused by a pinched nerve in one’s wrist due to repetitive action. There are many ways to cure this condition. The mild case of CTS requires frequent breaks from a certain task, massages and medication. The severe case of CTS requires surgery. There are two kinds of surgery that a doctor can conduct on a patient. There is an endoscopic surgery and an open surgery. An open surgery is when the surgeon makes a large incision in a person’s palm and cut through the ligaments to free the nerve. An endoscopic surgery on the other hand, is when the surgeon uses a telescope-like device to see inside the carpal tunnel and cut off the ligaments through one or two incision in the person’s wrist. This procedure can minimize pain better than the open surgery procedure.
Visual problems are also another work hazard for ergonomic specialists. It includes eye strains, blood shot eyes and blurred vision cause by staring too much on