Ernest Hemingway's A Farewell To Arms

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Pages: 4

A Farewell to Arms, written by Ernest Hemingway and published in 1929, is yet another classic piece of literature from the acclaimed author. A book that is somewhat based on Hemingway's own experiences, A Farewell to Arms is a war drama with romantic elements while also being semi-biographical. The Nobel Prize winning author also makes sure to deliver his signature downer ending. An ending that often upsets the reader and leaves them with feelings ranging from emptiness to pure anger.

The book opens with a one and half page chapter where the narrator vividly describes his view from his house in a village which overlooks a river. Hemingway is known, and sometimes even criticized, for using simple word choices but he uses common words to
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He is an American ambulance driver in world war one, the same war in which Hemingway himself served. Henry is serving in Italy, Milan to be exact, and tours the country while in service. Henry is both the narrator, looking back on his life and telling us this story, and a character in the book. Not much is given to us by the narrator in terms of physical description of Henry, but not much is needed. Henry's personality is what matters. While he may be and of a drinker, has slept with prostitutes and, while mostly truthful, isn't afraid to lie, Henry is a kind and brave man. He risks his life to save others, is a good man to his love interest, and is well liked by many and is easily liked by the reader as well. I would like to think I share some of Henry's traits. I would like to think I am a brave person and would help those in need eve if it meant I was put in a position of danger. Henry is later introduced to Catherine Barkley through his friend Rinaldi, an interesting if not ambiguous character. Catherine is a nurse's aide at a British hospital, and at he time, is romantically involved wit Rinaldi. That relationship fades and Henry quickly finds himself in love with Catherine, even though he denies it early in the …show more content…
He has seen a lot of horrors of fighting and now the war has taken him away from the woman he loves. During this new tour he is taking his crew and their ambulances get stuck in the mud. He is riding with two Italian soldiers who refuse to help him and the crew get the vehicles out of the mud. The soldiers would rather walk off and ignore Henry's orders. Henry finally snaps under he stress of the war and shoots at the two soldiers and hits one of them. Another member of Henry's crew asks for his gun and finishes the soldier off. This event is joked about by Henry and his crew but is actually quite horrific and takes a toll on the me. This is not what Henry joined to war for. He was supposed to help save men, not kill