Essay 1

Submitted By Andrea-Damon
Words: 362
Pages: 2

Let's be realistic, here's a scenario, for the average American household there has to be two incomes for a family. This family has three children, a mortgage, has childcare to pay and has their children actively involve with community sports and dance. For this family to survive they need two incomes. In this family mom and dad both want to continue their education, should one quit their full time job with benefit just to pursue school? They both have to keep their jobs to maintain their life style. Online Education would be the best fit for this family, mom and dad can continue their daily route with work and extra activities for the children. As a mother of two, a wife, a business owner, adding school to my plate didn't seem realistic. Going to a local JC college here in town wasn't an option. Between work and extra activities for my children I couldn't find time for school. Once I found an online University that could fulfill my educational goals I was extremely excited that school could work around my schedule. I have been an online student for about 3 years on and off and it works for me. I've learned so much more online VS a classroom setting. In a class room setting I was able to learn but never retained the information. Online education gives you the opportunity to learn at your own pace and encourages a student to be productive. Being productive can earn a student good grades and to establish good grade you must do your work. As an online