Essay About Open Door Policy

Words: 554
Pages: 3

Our nation since its creation has had a desire to expand and create. From our original wants and prayers of Manifest Destiny to the annexation of territories belonging to Indian Tribes, we have been motivated to expand.
From the start, the need for real estate was due to economic expansion.
But, by the turn of the 19th century the United States no longer fathomed new land and expansion. We used new tactics to gain land overseas. In order to show our power the United States used its intellect in order to spread democracy, economic wealth, and social ramifications of foreign policy. At the turn of the century we were using the Spanish-American war as a way to prove and show our imperialism. At this time the Spanish army attacked Cubans in order
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The government saw this as a great chance to use to their advantage and start war with Spain, to show its social status. Since the Philippines were under Spanish rule at the time, we decided to take action and gain a military advantage by acquiring the land.
This would then help gain an opportunity to have a say in Middle, and Far
Eastern affairs.
After our gain in the Philippines, we used our opportunity to intervene in
Chinese affairs. At the time the Open Door Policy was in full effect, allowing open harbor trading and making it so that we treat all governments financially equal. So the United States used the window of opportunity to strengthen the policy. We then sent in troops to spread more of our political beliefs. We used The Boxer Rebellion as a political asset, revealing the imperialistic ideas and plans of our government. The United States was determined to inherit a say in the political aspect of any and all international policies. Though, political changes such as, The Monroe Doctrine halted this.
Stating we must not interfere with the affairs in Europe and they shall