Essay About Ponyboy

Words: 753
Pages: 4

When Ponyboy awoke in the church, he felt confused. At first, he didn’t know where he was. Then he hoped he was at home, and he hope everything bad just be a dream. He had homesick, he saw Darry’s cooking breakfast and what soda would do.

The evidence showed that Johnny really cared for Ponyboy was since Ponyboy was sleeping, he took up his jean jacket and put it over to Ponyboy because he might think Ponyboy would be cold. Also, Johnny wrote a message to Ponyboy, it said he was going to supplies and he would be back. He bought a book called Gone With the Wind to Ponyboy because he knew that Ponyboy liked reading. Furthermore, he also did not allowed Ponyboy too smoke too much.

The other supplies that Johnny bought was baloney, two loaves of bread, a box of
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Also, Ponyboy helped Johnny studied.

Dally was really come, he was catch by the police because of he broke the window, however, he did not do it, and he did not explain anything about it. Dally acted like a gentleman all the time. Also, Dally was a really person, he did not try to be something that he was not.

Johnny’s teachers thought that he was dumb because he never had a good grades and had failed a year in school. According to Ponyboy, he thought Johnny boy was not dumb at all. He thought Johnny just a little slow to get the things which did not mean that he was dumb. And he would explore things when he did not understand. Ponyboy thought he was a different kind of learner.

According to Johnny, something funny about the Curtis family was Sodapop always did something that mother would do, but he acts like Ponyboy’s father. Dally always did something that dad would do, but he acts like Ponyboy’s mother.

Ponyboy introduce Johnny to that he never knew was there was poetry. The poetry was written by Robert Forrest which Ponyboy had read it once, and Johnny was