Essay Comparing My Papa's Waltz And Those Winter Sundays

Words: 575
Pages: 3

“My Papa’s Waltz” and “Those Winter Sundays” A father and son relationship is one of the most complicated and is not easy to understand because there are different personalities involve. There can be misunderstanding or miscommunication because men have a tendency to ignore their feelings and they do not want to express it. However, a father and son will always have a special bond with one another. In "My Papa’s Waltz" by Theodore Roethke and "Those Winter Sundays" by Robert Hayden, show how it portrayed the father’s personal individuality and how it changed their relationship with their sons. The poems “My Papa’s Waltz” and ‘Those Winter Sundays” are about a father’s relationship with their son and at the same time, both sons are the speakers in the poems. Both sons described their fathers as hardworking men. In “My Papa’s Waltz”, the father’s hand was “battered on one knuckle” (10), this image represents a repeated use of his hand because of manual labor. Same as “Those Winter Sundays”, the son similarly described his father’s hand as “cracked hands that ached” (3), also from a manual labor. It is clear that both fathers are very committed to their family’s welfare. Different characters; in the first stanza of “My Papa’s Waltz”, the speaker describes the father’s breath “The whiskey on your …show more content…
His father never showed affection, for his father love is providing a warm house and showing how strong he is to his family. However, the son wanted to bond with his father. On the other hand, the father felt unappreciated because all he sees is fear and nobody ever thanked him for his hard work. Compared to “My Papa’s Waltz”, although the father loves to drink, he still finds time to bond with his son and make sure that they are well taken care