Essay Comparing Odysseus And Auggie

Words: 342
Pages: 2

It is impossible to get through life without persevering through obstacles. Especially when Odysseus had to persevere with trying to get home from the Battle of Troy; as well as a little boy called Auggie persevered throughout an entire school year of being bullied. Here, Brandon Fullerton will compare yet contrast Odysseus in addition to Auggie using perseverance. Odysseus together with Auggie are similar in persevering through extensive obstacles. Odysseus overcame a Cyclops, evil witches, Poseidon, and even men who tried to take over Odysseus’s kingdom. All of that took a lot of courage, also an extensive amount of perseverance. Comparatively, Auggie has a facial deformity where other children in addition, adults look afraid of the poor child because of the facial impairment. On top of that, Auggie has to deal with imbeciles at a private school called the Beecher Prep Middle School. Auggie showed an enormous amount of …show more content…
Odysseus is a man who has a kingdom to run but cannot make it home because of the god Poseidon casting disastrous storms to stop Odysseus from ever getting home. On the other hand, Auggie has been just a little boy who has a facial impairment and ends up getting bullied at school for it. Both stories have completely different settings on where events take place. The story of Odysseus shows much greater interference on the journey home. However, Auggie’s obstacle has difficulty, but not as extreme as Odysseus. The Odyssey and Wonder are more different than similar.,
In conclusion, To conclude, by comparing and contrasting, both Odysseus as well as Auggie show great character in perseverance but yet have many differences and an acute amount of similarities. All that matters is that both stories, share a great example of perseverance. People should definitely read these two books for inspiration. Both Characters end a story by showing success and