Essay Comparing The Sniper And The 5th Wave

Words: 630
Pages: 3

About 1 year ago, I lost all of my strength. I couldn’t walk. I couldn’t stand. Ugh! I couldn’t even lift my head to look up without help. Instead of playing and enjoying outside in the summer with my siblings, I had to stay inside and lay down on my couch 24/7. I had to use a wheelchair to move around. Although this was a hard time in my life, I learned to adapt (or adjust) to my new life. In the story “The Sniper” and the novel The 5th Wave, both characters have to learn to adapt in order to survive. In the story The 5th Wave, Cassie Sullivan is just a regular, shy, high school girl. That all changed when an alien UFO arrived at earth, bringing 5 waves of different challenges to kill off the human race. Wave 1: “Lights Out.” The aliens sent an electro magnetic pulse, or EMP to knock out every electronic device. Cars, lights, …show more content…
Wave 2: “Surf’s Up.” The aliens dropped a giant metal rod on one of the rifts in the tectonic plates, causing massive tsunamis all around the world, taking out anything that was near the sea. Wave 3: “Pestilence.” Birds all around the world transmitted a disease to humans, worse than the Black Plague, ending the lives of 7 billion people. Wave 4: “Silencer.”The aliens disguised themselves as humans and sniped all of the humans they saw without making a noise. However, a few people have managed to survive. Cassie Sullivan is one of the last humans alive, because she found a way to adapt to the new way of life. When she was shot in the leg by a silencer, she hid under a car, bandaged her leg, and waited until she had enough strength to run. (From the perspective of an enemy silencer) “But Cassie Sullivan didn’t