Essay On Audie Murphy

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Pages: 3

Audie Murphy was born June 20, 1924. The reasoned why I chose Audie Murphy because he was in my book the soldier without fear in my book but why. For many years I even remember when he died I was in junior High School and I cry because I can relate to what he did coming from a military family myself and my father been in Vietnam. We grew up poor just like him in some many ways I remember working at the cash and carry on the weekends to make 30 to 50 the day. Was it he’s commitment to family’s value the responsibility that he was given at an early age or was it he’s deep passion to do what’s correct but because he had no real education. Audie Murphy grew up in a hardship, unsettled family. The Murphy's Family moved several times throughout …show more content…
“Stewardship is concerned with empowering followers to make decisions and gain control over their work. Servant leadership involves selflessly working with followers to achieve shared goals that improve collective, rather than individual, welfare.” So what do you believe he was, well the way I see it all started in Texas. But let’s mention that he won 24 medals to include the highest medal we have to over for bravery in the face of danger the Congressional Medal of Honor. Audie Murphy I believe he was a transactional leadership evolved from the demands of his family’s needs with the adaptability and transformation he did as his mother was in need to support the family. He transforms from a good son to a good provider to a superior soldier and doing what’s right, but was he lucky? Audie Murphy was the 6th of 12 children what a burden to carry. Let’s take a look the persuasion and perseverance that Audie Murphy had to get in the military and support his family. Unwanted by the Marines because he was too short. After that, he tried the paratroopers but was turn away since he did not meet the right kind of build up for the job, wow this man was trying to join the military and was turn away. So finally the United States Army took him. Transformational leadership is a style that Audie Murphy inspired as a leader by his followers and the Army by