Essay On Audism

Words: 1351
Pages: 6

Throughout history, discrimination has been seen in many different forms creating barriers between people and cultures. Racism, sexism, and heterosexism are just a few of the many forms of discrimination that people have been battling over the years. Audism is another form of discrimination that we do not often hear or think about. This is discrimination against people in the Deaf community. With each of these, people are being oppressed because of who they are and how they were made. These groups are fighting for their rights and to be seen and an equal to all those around them. Discrimination is a major issue that creates separation and tension in our society. Audism can be seen in families with Deaf children. Although it may not be intentional, families often exclude Deaf members while they are having conversations without signing. The Deaf member of the family may not understand what is happening in the conversation and is left out when others are unwilling to explain. Many times, family members will tell the Deaf member that they will explain later or simply say never mind it is not important. They then forget to get back to them and they never know what the conversation was about. This makes the Deaf member of the family feel extremely left out and excluded from their family members. It makes it very difficult for them to partake …show more content…
In the movie Audism Unveiled they said, “Collective resistance is more effective than individual resistance”. I think this is a very important strategy that the Deaf community needs to follow. To win their battle against discrimination, the Deaf community needs to show the world what they can do. I believe that most audism is a result of ignorance and other cultures being naïve. The Deaf community needs to educate others and show them what they can do and how capable they are. The world needs to know what they can do and how they