Essay On Cane Toad

Words: 416
Pages: 2

Cane toads were introduced into Australia in June, 1935. Cane toads were introduced into Australia in an attempt to control the native grey-backed cane beetle and the Frenchi beetle, together called Lepidiota frenchi. As cane toads are now native to Australia, they are detrimental to sugar-cane crops.

There are biotic and abiotic factors of a cane toad. The biotic factors of a cane toad are the food it eats and the predators that eat it. The diet of the cane toad are insects such as beetles, spiders, centipedes and crickets. Larger prey such as marine snails, frogs, small snakes, small mammals, small birds, rotting fruit and processed pet food are biotic factors of the cane toad. The predators of the cane toad include wolf spiders, freshwater crayfish, crocodiles, crows, rats and snakes. Some predators of the cane toad, more so birds, learn to eat only the cane toads tongue, or to turn them onto their stomachs and eat the mildly poisonous internal organs. Some birds have been seen by humans picking at dead cane toads in these spots that have been hit by cars.
The abiotic factors of a cane toad is the sun, rain and shelter. The sun, rain and shelter are abiotic
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The cane toad is also found in closed scrub, grassland, low open forests, low shrub land, open forest and open woodland. There are impacts that the cane toad has on the biotic factors of its habitat. Two of them are in mangroves and rainforests. In mangroves, frogs, small snakes, small mammals and insects are found. This is good for cane toads as they eat these animals, making this spot a perfect place to take over and raise their young. In rainforests, frogs, small mammals, insects, winged termites, bugs and crickets are found. This is good for cane toads as these foods are eaten by them. Mangroves and rainforests are taken over by cane toads, as these places are where most of their food is