Essay On Conflict In The Workplace

Words: 1793
Pages: 8

Introduction Modern dictionaries will use many words to define conflict. These definitions are likely to include words such as disagreement, contradiction, opposition, clash, rivalry and struggle. Conflict in one form or another is sure to occur in any organization, and is often best described as an opposition of interests or ideas. Nevertheless, conflict should be considered as a byproduct of the normal day to day operations of any workplace and a normal part of organizational functions. Conflict that arises in the workplace typically makes people feel uncomfortable and many organizations will take great strides aimed at avoiding any type of conflict. However inevitable workplace conflict is, it still represents both a challenge and an opportunity …show more content…
Further, it will demonstrate a correlation between organizational performance and conflicts which arose over multiple factors of the organizational experience. In addition, it will reinforce the expectation that the unavoidable phenomenon of conflict in organizational life will have either a positive relationship, or negatively impact organizational performance, depending on the conflict management and resolution methods applied in the …show more content…
As a proactive measure, AFR has established the viewpoint that both collaboration and compromise are the most productive forms of addressing conflicts which arise in the company. Both of these approaches produce neither a winner nor a loser and instead foster cooperation within the organization. According to Dean “resolving conflict in a productive manner is the real goal, and employees’ working together is not only the optimal solution, it serves to further galvanize our workforce as well as our relationships with our clients and