Essay On Congressional Term Limits

Words: 639
Pages: 3

Since the time of the Founding Fathers, a general consensus has stated that people, when given the power, will absolutely be corrupted by it over time. The American Framer’s, knowing people had this corruption within them, adopted Aristotle’s choice for a just system where democracy would be the lesser of two evils. This essay will focus on amending the constitution to create term limits for Congress in suit with the moralistic political culture which states it is our moral duty as Americans to make our country more equal, to curb our society from the terrible within us and to prevent corruption from spreading further in our federal government. No person shall be elected or appointed as a member of the United States Congress if the duration …show more content…
Term Limits, Inc v. Thornton (1995) that said "...allowing individual States to craft their own congressional qualifications would erode the structure designed by the Framers to form a 'more perfect Union.’” [1] Subsequently negating the ability for states to individually impose term limits on Congressional leaders. The U.S. Term Limits group was the largest private organization pushing for congressional term limits and though the issue is still widely debated, no serious contenders have come forward with a definitive plan of action. Since 1791, when the first ten amendments were adopted, Americans have successfully amended the process 17 times due to such difficult provisions set within Article V [2] 26 out of 27 constitutional amendments have taken the same course: Both chambers of Congress vote on the proposed amendment, and each house must pass it with a two-thirds majority. Once that happens, the amendment is then sent to state legislatures for their approval which requires a super-majority. [4] The constitution also allows for two-thirds of the states, through their legislatures, to call for a national convention to amend the constitution, this route has never taken place and could have overhauling side effects if it