Essay On Health Disparities

Words: 439
Pages: 2

What does the term health disparities mean?

Health disparities can be defined as, “a particular type of health difference that is closely linked with social, economic, and/or environmental disadvantage.” Health disparities affect those who already suffer great disadvantages whether that’s with race, social status, and financially. Tobacco use and pregnancy can be included when talking about health disparities in MCH. People know of the harmful effects with tobacco and using tobacco while pregnant. Heart disease, cancer, premature births and birth defects for the child. Smoking while pregnant gives women a higher risk of having a miscarriage more than other women. The placenta, which is the source of the infant’s oxygen and food can become
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When it comes to health disparities anyone no matter the shape or size can encounter this. Although majority of the population affected from health disparities live in rural areas. More minorities will be effected by disparities. Black, Hispanic, white, pacific islanders and Asians can all be effected. With maternal and child health, tons of disparities can happen for both mother and child.

3.What are causes of health disparities?

The prevalence and incidence of diseases have been the focus of cause for health disparities. Health behaviors and access to health can also raise issues in the cause of health disparities. Health behaviors that would be a health disparities would be smoking tobacco, alcohol abuse, and drug abuse. Research is being conducted to find the exact reason of health disparities.

4.What are reasons for disparities in access to health care?

Some reasons for health disparities can be not having the proper access to health care. Healthcare is a key essential to life, let alone for a mother and child. Not having the proper care during a pregnancy can cause tons of complications with the baby and can also effect the mother. Health behavioral factors contribute to disparities as