Essay On Incarcerated Parents

Words: 857
Pages: 4

For kids, seeing their parent behind bars or not being able to touch their incarcerated parent it hard on them. Children of incarcerated parents face many behavioral and developmental issues such as, nightmares, unexpected sadness while attending school, and fearful of new situations. Also, these children have difficulty paying attention at school along with aggressive outbreaks that are unexplainable. Lastly, these children have a challenging time socializing with their peers due to peer taunting and picking about their parent’s mishaps. Therefore, these kids are at greater risk than their peers for lower self-esteem and sense of belonging at school.
Unique issues that children have regarding keeping regular contact with their incarcerated parent are not
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As the deployment day becomes closer the child may start to detach or withdraw from their parent to prepare themselves for their parent going to be physical absent. During deployment, the child and family will be given more family duties and responsibilities which were performed by the parent or love one being deployed. Also, they would become concerned and worried about what could happen during deployment and if their loved one will return home physically and mentally safe. Along with the family facing financial difficulties, especially, if the individual who is deployed takes care of the family financially. However, children’s reaction to parent’s deployment vary among each child’s age and maturity level. The child’s distress level heavily relies on how their parent handles the deployment so parent should be strong for their child. After deployment, the child and family feel relieved and happy of their loved one return. However, there will be changes due to the children growing, traumatic experienced by parent who was deployed, and having faced new situations