Essay On Light In The Great Gatsby

Words: 534
Pages: 3

In The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald shows that how only a light can have such an effect on the whole story. So green light symbolizes Gatsby's true love for Daisy, and money . The green light symbolizes the hope for the bright future;it is Gatsby’s personal dream and the American dream of the society.
"Gatsby believed in the green light," Nick said (182). Gatsby really loved Daisy and that’s why the green light meant for love to him. When Gatsby looked at the green light it gave Gatsby a feeling that he and daisy would be back together again. For Gatsby the green light meant Daisy and Daisy meant love. This is how F. Scott Fitzgerald used the green light to also symbolize love, along with other meanings. Fitzgerald made the light be green, instead of the regular white color because there was a reason. The reason having light green was to symbolize specifically to money and also the greed for the characters in the book, especially Daisy. That's why F. Scott Fitzgerald specifically had it belong to Daisy and not to other characters in
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Daisy is also really big part of green light but also the green light tells much more about it. Gatsby has spent his whole life waiting for something better. Money, success, acceptance, and Daisy. Even though he has everything he feels incomplete. Even though when he has big house with full of amazing people and he still waits for Daisy. Gatsby created in his dreams for the future place for daisy, and he will not be content to have that gaping . So the green light also stands for all of Gatsby's longings and wants. And when Nick talks about the green light at the end of the book he says "It eluded us then, but that's no matter- tomorrow we will run faster, stretch our arms out farther...." . He connects the green light to all people. Everyone has something that they long and search for that is just off in the distance. That is the green